- Ingredients
- 1 kilo (2,2 pound) chicken thighs (without any bones)
- teaspoon of salt
- half a teaspoon pepper
- half a teaspoon cumin
- half a teaspoon of ground coriander
- half a teaspoon paprika powder
- half a teaspoon ginger powder
- half a teaspoon cayenne pepper
- half a teaspoon cinnamon
- half a teaspoon garlic powder
- teaspoon dried oregano
- 2 garlic cloves
- half a liter of plain yogurt
- 2 tbsp mayonnaise
- pepper and salt to liking
- olive oil
- for garnish: red onions, lettuce and green bell peppers
COMBINE all the dry ingredients, make a nice mixture of the dried herbs. CUT the chicken into smaller pieces and marinate them in the ground herbs mixture for at least 4 hours.